CSS Text Styling: Mastering Text Appearance

CSS Text Styling: Mastering Text Appearance

CSS Text Styling: Mastering Text Appearance


CSS provides a variety of properties to style text on your web pages. From alignment to decoration, these properties help you control how text appears and interacts with other elements. This guide covers essential text styling properties with examples to help you enhance your text presentation.

Text Alignment

The text-align property controls the alignment of text within its containing element. Possible values include left, right, center, and justify:

/* Text alignment property */
.text-align-example {
    text-align: center;


Centered Text

This text is centered within its container using the text-align property.

Text Decoration

The text-decoration property adds decorations to text, such as underline, overline, or line-through:

/* Text decoration property */
.text-decoration-example {
    text-decoration: underline;


Underlined Text

This text has an underline decoration applied using the text-decoration property.

Text Transformation

The text-transform property controls the capitalization of text. Options include uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize:

/* Text transformation property */
.text-transform-example {
    text-transform: uppercase;


Uppercase Text

This text is transformed to uppercase using the text-transform property.

Text Indentation

The text-indent property sets the indentation of the first line of text in a block element:

/* Text indent property */
.text-indent-example {
    text-indent: 30px;


Indented Text

This text has an indentation of 30px on the first line, created using the text-indent property.

Text Overflow

The text-overflow property manages how text is displayed when it overflows its container. Combined with white-space and overflow, it can show ellipses when text is too long:

/* Text overflow property */
.text-overflow-example {
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;


Text Overflow

This text will be truncated with an ellipsis if it overflows its container.

Text Shadow

The text-shadow property adds shadow effects to text, providing a more dynamic appearance:

/* Text shadow property */
.text-shadow-example {
    text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);


Text Shadow

This text has a shadow effect applied, giving it a subtle depth.


CSS text styling offers a range of properties to control the appearance of text on your web pages. By using properties like text-align, text-decoration, text-transform, text-indent, text-overflow, and text-shadow, you can enhance the readability and visual appeal of your content. Experiment with these properties to find the best styles for your design needs. Happy styling!